Friday, July 6, 2007

she didn't cry!

Well, she has kinda given in a little bit...Callie Joy that is. After a more peaceful swim lesson Friday she actually said she liked going to Ms. Becky's pool. I am hoping she has reached a turning point since we have a few more weeks to go. Things are good in the Aagaard house, just busy as usual but always fun. Riley went to bed tonight insisting we call him "Batman." This is really a big deal since Riley has NEVER let us call him anything other than Riley. When people even say, "aren't you a handsome boy" the response has always been, "I not! I Riley Dean Aagaard!" There is usually a bit of attitude that goes with that reply as well. Our dear Riley lives in a somewhat literal world, but for about 30 minutes tonight he just let himself go and was...BATMAN! (you see, he was wearing Batman pjs which included a cape...of course!)

Will post more pics soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

From our garden

From our garden
our first watermellon

Dustin, Callie Joy, and Riley at Blizzard Beach

Dustin, Callie Joy, and Riley at Blizzard Beach