Friday, June 29, 2007

they dressed themselves!

So, this is what happens when the preschool/toddler crowd dress themselves for church. I would like to go ahead and add that Sam (the tall one in the middle) at least has matching colors on. There is black appearing in both his shirt and pants...go Sam! If you could zoom in a bit on Riley you would see that his shirt has green and yellow stripes, his shorts are black, red and white plaid and the shoes...well they are of course, blue and white. I do give him credit for the number of colors he managed to wear in one outfit. And then there is Callie Joy. There is just isn't much to say besides that she has Nemo floaties on...that kinda says it all. If the three of them were competing in a fashion show they would win the following awards:
Riley: the rainbow award
Callie Joy: the "in case of flood" award
Sam: most floral award!
At least they all win at creativity!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

swim lessons

Summer is officially here and my little ones are just loving it! We have been outside so much enjoying the garden, the beach, and of course blizzard beach. Our latest big adventure has been the daily swim lessons at "Ms Becky's" pool. The kids are taking ISR (infant swim research) lessons which consist of lessons 5 days a week for 10 minutes a day. I have been amazed to see their progress over such a short period of time. Riley has literally loved every minute of it. When it is time for him to get out he begs Ms Becky to stay in and swim just "3 more times please." He is doing such a great job!! Baby girl (I mean "big girl"...she would correct me if she could read) is just a whole other story. She is just a mess at swim lessons! The whole time, and I mean that, the WHOLE time she cries to get out. Before she enters the water she informs us all that she is done and ready to get out now! I will say though she is learning the concepts and doing very good floating on her back. What a sassy little thing though...there is no doubt that all of Ms Becky's neighbors within about a half mile radius are also aware of Callie Joy's dislike for swim lessons. The screaming combined with going under water frequently have also amounted to Callie Joy drinking a fair amount of the pool. Bless poor Ms. Becky because she has her hands full. You will notice that I have posted pictures of Riley showing off his "starfish" but...there are no pictures of Callie Joy... yet. I hope that my previous explanation of her behavior at swim lessons answers the question of why. She requires quite a bit of attention!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Beware, we're new at this

That's right, we're learning and not sure what this page will look like next month. Heck, were not even sure if anyone will read this by next month. We just wanted to create something to share with all our friends and family to connect everyone to what is going on in the life of the Aagaards. Till next blog, c/ya

From our garden

From our garden
our first watermellon

Dustin, Callie Joy, and Riley at Blizzard Beach

Dustin, Callie Joy, and Riley at Blizzard Beach