So, this is what happens when the preschool/toddler crowd dress themselves for church. I would like to go ahead and add that Sam (the tall one in the middle) at least has matching colors on. There is black appearing in both his shirt and pants...go Sam! If you could zoom in a bit on Riley you would see that his shirt has green and yellow stripes, his shorts are black, red and white plaid and the shoes...well they are of course, blue and white. I do give him credit for the number of colors he managed to wear in one outfit. And then there is Callie Joy. There is just isn't much to say besides that she has Nemo floaties on...that kinda says it all. If the three of them were competing in a fashion show they would win the following awards:
Riley: the rainbow award
Callie Joy: the "in case of flood" award
Sam: most floral award!
At least they all win at creativity!!